Heroin Epidemic Learning Program
H.E.L.P. is a youth empowerment program designed to educate students on the reality of the opioid crisis. H.E.L.P. uses volunteer experts to clearly explain, ed- ucate and enlighten students on what is happening in their own community, right now.
Students are tasked with finding their voice and using it; they will take the infor- mation, stories and education they have acquired and use it to create a power- ful message of prevention in the form of a public service announcement (or PSA).
All PSA’s are submitted to the H.E.L.P. committee by a certain deadline where each PSA will be viewed and voted on to determine a winner. The winning PSA is professionally edited to air on local and national television. In some cases stu- dents and the participating school will win a prize.
H.E.L.P. was created by Jeremy Holm, a Vergennes, Vt. community member and TV/Film actor from the Netflix series House of Cards & by Jesse Brooks a Vergennes Vt. community member and Prevention Coordinator for Addison County through the United Way.
Media Links:
WPTZ Report- http://www.my nbc5.c om/ article/ state-of -addiction-ac tor-aids-ad dic tion-education -in-schools/ 8992117
Addison Independent- http://www.addisonindependent.com/201701program -gives-teens-platform-addiction
Jesse Brooks by email at jesse@unitedwayaddisoncounty.org
or by phone at (802) 388-7189