State Homeland Security Program (SHSP)
If you have trouble downloading or accessing any of the below materials please contact
Reference Materials:
- FY2024 State Homeland Security Grant Program Request for Proposal (RFP)
- FY2024 State Homeland Security Grant Program Overview
- FY2024 Explanation of Application Requirements
- FEMA Authorized Equipment List (AEL) (At the link, you may find it helpful to download and utilize the Excel formatted AEL to locate your project AEL number)
Required to be submitted by all applicants:
- FY2024 State Homeland Security Grant Program Application (Submit as Excel Spreadsheet)
- FY2024 State Homeland Security Grant Program Signature Page (Submit as PDF)
Supplemental materials to be submitted by applicants (if applicable):
- These items are to be submitted when:
- Applicant is requesting equipment exceeding $100 per unit item -
- Applicant is requesting equipment to be assigned to a vehicle -
- Applicant is requesting equipment to be assigned or used by individual members of the department -
- Total requested funds exceed $30,000 -
- Executive Compensation FFATA Reporting Form (Excel Spreadsheet)
- If your entity has not submitted this document in the last 12-months -
- Department of Public Safety Pre-Award Risk Assessment (link to Microsoft Form)
Environmental and Historic Preservation (EHP) Information (an EHP review may be required if your proposed project(s) have the potential to impact the environment, including but not limited to the construction of communication towers, modification or renovation of existing buildings, structures and facilities, or new construction including replacement of facilities.)
DPS Financial Compliance Guide